Liability insurance for your motor vehicle is one of those necessary expenses you pay to protect yourself. However, the fact that you rarely need to file a claim can leave you vulnerable to making mistakes when it comes to your coverage. Many people choose to...
Year: 2018
Texting behind the wheel: Don’t do it
Parents of teenagers often worry about mistakes their kids will make out on the road. Choosing to talk to friends or post on social media while at the wheel can result in tragedy. Other drivers tend to be especially wary of youthful drivers on the road, worried about...
Older vehicles are a safety risk on the road
People will sometimes claim that older vehicles are safer than newer ones because vintage vehicles were heavier and seemed to be sturdier. This train of thought might lead to serious safety problems because it has been proven that people are safer in newer cars and...
3 ways to know your child’s ready to learn to drive
Deciding that your child is ready to drive is something only you can do as a parent. Until your child turns 18, it's up to you to make decisions for his or her welfare. How do you know when you're child's mature enough to handle the stresses of driving? How can you...