When death happens suddenly because of a motor vehicle accident, the loved ones left behind have the right to pursue a wrongful death claim. This not only helps recover compensation for your loss but also gives you the opportunity to seek a form of justice.
Drivers are understandably the first to be blamed and charged in cases of wrongful death. After all, they were behind the wheel and controlling the vehicle. However, the driver may not be the only one you can sue for a wrongful death lawsuit.
Employers of the driver
If your loved one was involved in a collision with a truck driver, you can likely file a lawsuit against the driver’s employers as well. You may have a stronger case against the company if their driver was involved in the accident while they were on the clock or performing work duties.
Bars and liquor stores
Indiana has dram shop laws. As such, if the driver at fault for the accident was driving under the influence of alcohol, you may file a lawsuit against the bar or liquor store for serving too much alcohol.
However, you will need to prove that the establishment or the person who oversold the alcohol noticed or knew about the driver’s intoxication. If the at-fault driver came from a party or get-together where alcohol was served, you may also file a lawsuit against the host under similar circumstances based on social host liability laws.
Vehicle or auto parts manufacturers
If the case involved a mechanical failure or malfunction, whether it is the sole cause or a contributing factor, you may also sue the company that designed or manufactured the car or its parts. Moreover, you may have a stronger case against the companies if they did not inform the public about the product issues or failed to recall the vehicles and parts.
Hold all involved parties responsible
A wrongful death lawsuit can offer a small consolation not only financially but also emotionally. Holding all the parties responsible for your loved one’s death accountable can help you heal and move on from the tragedy. Seeking legal assistance may strengthen your case and help ensure you recover full compensation.