Sharing I-90 and I-94 with big trucks is a common occurrence. Since most oversized commercial vehicles cannot travel on many of the surface streets in Indiana, passenger vehicles often have the area to themselves. However, delivery vehicles loaded with packages...
Year: 2021
Can children’s toys hurt your children?
When shopping this holiday season, it is important to understand product liability issues. These issues can affect everything from cars to medication to the toys you put under your tree this holiday season. Thus, it is important to keep some information in mind when...
What are the dangers of driving over the holidays?
Whether you are visiting family or just taking a trip, the holidays can be a dangerous time for drivers. Knowing the common sources of accidents can help you make good decisions while on the road. Decreased focus According to the Centers for Disease Control and...
How do doctors treat traumatic brain injuries?
Because of another's negligence, you suffered a personal injury. Your doctor diagnosed you with a traumatic brain injury, and you want to recover as quickly as possible. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons explains how medical professionals treat TBIs....
Prepare for winter weather before it strikes
While many people in Portage are currently enjoying the pleasant fall weather, winter is coming sooner than most of us would like. The first snow always seems to bring out the worst in drivers who seemingly forgot how to drive in the snow since last winter. So, it is...
The dangers of truck driver fatigue
Truck driver fatigue can lead to serious truck accidents which makes understanding the impacts and causes of truck driver fatigue important. Additionally, injured truck accident victims should also be familiar with the legal protections available to help them with...
Is money the root of the current nursing home neglect crisis?
It can be sad to watch your parents decline mentally and physically as they age. You may try to help them out for a while, but eventually your parents may require more care than what you can provide. When this happens, you will likely want to place them in a nursing...
Duo of accidents mostly shuts down interstate
While we may not live downtown, our roads are nonetheless dangerous. Realistically, all roads are dangerous, and highways are even more dangerous. This is because with increased speed, the severity and chances for a car or truck accident increase. This was,...
Discovering options for a permanent disability
Many workers in the metalworks factories, oil refineries and transportation industries of Northwest Indiana face daily workplace hazards that can one day cause serious or repetitive injury. Whether it is due to one of the most common causes of construction injury or...
Help for loved ones from a wrongful death claim
When a loved one has been lost to the negligence of another party, wrongful death legal protections may be able to help their loved ones with some of the damages they are left with. Wrongful death legal protections may be able to help with the financial and emotional...