Social media is a great tool for connecting with others, but it can also cause problems if you are not careful. This is especially true if you have an open workers’ compensation case. A rash post or improper privacy settings could negatively impact your claim.
There are some social media mistakes you should avoid if you have a workers’ comp case.
Oversharing details of your injury
Do not provide too many details about your injury on social platforms. Photos, videos and excessive written information about the specifics of your injury or how the accident happened could complicate your claim. The less said online, the better.
Disclosing confidential case details
Do not discuss any confidential details about your workers’ comp case online, including information about hearings, negotiations or settlements.
Venting negatively about your employer
It may be tempting to air grievances about your employer or job online. Unfortunately, negative comments and rants could weaken your case, especially if they contradict any details you have provided in your claim.
Posting about physical activities
Be mindful of sharing fitness progress and physical activities on social media. Posts about training for a 10K or rock climbing trip may not align with claimed injury limitations from your work accident. Avoid posts that suggest you are less injured than claimed. This even includes tags in pictures that your friends or family share, so be mindful of those as well.
A workers’ compensation case means your social media activity is under scrutiny. Avoid oversharing injury details, bashing your employer or portraying exaggerated abilities. Your posts could jeopardize your claim. Statistics show that the average workers’ compensation award in 2020-2021 was $41,757. Moderate your social media use to maximize your chances of adequate compensation.